Project Phase
Internal Meetings
Meetings that should be held:
- weekly sync-up
- daily standup (30 seconds per person max)
- Pre-sprint and post-sprint meetings
- Account Management meetings in addition (see Sales)
- Client Meetings - Set regular (weekly) meetings with the client to allow for feedback, change requests and sign off of new sprints. Take the opportunity to talk about the status quo of different tasks and how we are performing on planned billed hours. Eg. “ We are doing well on A, on C we are over Budget”
Make sure the client understands his accountability and the work required on their side eg. minimum 2 days / week available for testing/feedback.
Follow Conventions
Prepare a code repository for the client to hand over (for example gitlab etc.)
Prepare technical documentation of Flows/ProcessBuilders/Code
Prepare functional documentation only if paid for by client
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