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Important Notes

Best Practices Mass Update Access to Objects And Field...

General Upserts are generally not recommended due to the extremely slow spee...

Updated 4 years ago by Justin Mitchell

Updating, Deleting, and Adding Permissions

Best Practices Mass Update Access to Objects And Field...

After running your query you will have a table describing access for all objects/fields where at ...

Updated 4 years ago by Justin Mitchell

Query CRED And FLS Permissions - Examples

Best Practices Mass Update Access to Objects And Field...

Query All Permissions To get a list of every CRED setting for every Profile and Permission Set i...

Updated 4 years ago by Justin Mitchell

Field Permissions - Basic Functionality

Best Practices Mass Update Access to Objects And Field...

Field-Level Security works very similarly to Object-Level Permissions. When dealing with Profiles...

Updated 4 years ago by Justin Mitchell

Object Permissions - Basic Functionality

Best Practices Mass Update Access to Objects And Field...

When dealing with Profiles and CRED there are three objects involved: Profile object Permission...

Updated 4 years ago by Justin Mitchell

Educational Resources

SFDC Tools

Salesforce Trailhead - Education by Salesforce for Salesforce ...

Updated 4 years ago by Kody Hungenberg

SSO and OAuth 2.0 Flows for Salesforce

Cool Links & Stuff

With a lot of examples:

Updated 4 years ago by Atlas Can

How to get the current org's domain in a flow

Cool Links & Stuff

  LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_470, FIND( '/services', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_470)) ...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Web Based Tools

SFDC Tools

Workbench The one and only tool that everyone should know. If you don't know it, start learning ...

Updated 4 years ago by Kody Hungenberg

Random Memes

Great Moments in SFXD History

The Salesforce Romance Novella Pitch SFXD CERTIFIED The SFXD Spongebob spoof   The only...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

SuperGrape Gets Bored

Great Moments in SFXD History

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

SFXD Meme Vids

Great Moments in SFXD History

  Mekel's Good Merning BlendSalesforce

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

That one Hardcoded Id

Salesforce Quirks

there is one ID in the world [7:50 PM] that is ok to hardcode ...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Salesforce Demo Orgs

Cool Links & Stuff

This contains a list of signup links for demo orgs depending on which cloud you want to learn. M...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Awesome Admin Soundcloud Link

Cool Links & Stuff

... Technically this is a Salesforce link so I'll leave it here. If you're following this link a...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Polymorphic Owners and field references

Salesforce Quirks

{!sobj_LoopedAccount.Owner.Email} is the right format but it returns null 37 PM] whe...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Permission Sets and Permission Set Groups: Shared values and silly rules

Salesforce Quirks

So, in experimenting with converting existing batches of Permission Sets into Permission Set Grou...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Org Installable Apps

SFDC Tools

Roll-Up Helper With Rollup Helper, you can roll-up any Salesforce® data: Count, sum, max, min, a...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Salesforce In Random Places

Great Moments in SFXD History

BhamDoTheDanThing10/03/2019 A great example of Saesforce usage on the go!Pure mobility! Such h...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo

Best/Worst Flows

Great Moments in SFXD History

HereWeGrow02/28/2019 Whoever did this definitely didn't know how to use Subflows cor...

Updated 4 years ago by Windyo