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Field Permissions - Basic Functionality

Field-Level Security works very similarly to Object-Level Permissions. When dealing with Profiles and FLS, there are three objects involved:

  • Profile object
  • PermissionSet object
  • FieldPermissions object

Note: Every Profile has a corresponding child PermissionSet record, as indicated by the ProfileId field on the PermissionSet record. When dealing with Permission Sets, the Profile object doesn’t factor in.

For every combination of Profile and Field, there is a corresponding FieldPermissions record. Each record has two boolean fields that control the access level for that Profile to that field. The same goes for Permission Sets. Those two fields are:

  • PermissionsEdit
  • PermissionsRead

Note: If a Profile or Permission Set has no access to a Field, then there is no FieldPermissions record for that Field/Profile combination. You cannot have a FieldPermissions record where all “permissions” fields are FALSE.

In addition to these boolean fields, there are three other uneditable fields which indicate which Object the record is related to (sObjectType), which specific Field this record controls access to (Field), and the related Permission Set (ParentId). Remember, even if the FieldPermissions record is controlling access for a Profile, it will be related to a Permission Set. That Permission Set will have the Id of the corresponding Profile in the ProfileId field.

When a Profile or Permission Set is granted access to a Field, Salesforce automatically creates a new FieldPermissions record. When access to that Field is removed, Salesforce deletes that record.