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Updating, Deleting, and Adding Permissions

After running your query you will have a table describing access for all objects/fields where at least one profile or permission set has some kind of access. This is an important concept to understand. If no Profiles or Permission Sets have access to an Object or Field, there will not be a record for that object/field.

For existing ObjectPermissions/FieldPermissions records, you can make updates to the TRUE and FALSE values in each column, then use Data Loader to upload the changes using the Update feature.

To remove all access to an Object/Field, you will need to use the Delete feature in Data Loader to delete the appropriate ObjectPermissions/FieldPermissions records, using a list of Ids.

To add access where there is none, you will need to use the Insert feature in Data Loader to create new ObjectPermissions/FieldPermissions records.

To data load ObjectPermissions records, include the following fields:

  • sObjectType
  • ParentId
  • PermissionsCreate
  • PermissionsDelete
  • PermissionsEdit
  • PermissionsRead
  • PermissionsViewAllRecords
  • PermissionsModifyAllRecords

To data load FieldPermissions records, include the following fields:

  • sObjectType
  • Field
  • ParentId
  • PermissionsEdit
  • PermissionsRead