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Org Installable Apps
Roll-Up Helper With Rollup Helper, you can roll-up any Salesforce® data: Count, sum, max, min, a...
Salesforce In Random Places
BhamDoTheDanThing10/03/2019 A great example of Saesforce usage on the go!Pure mobility! Such h...
Best/Worst Flows
HereWeGrow02/28/2019 Whoever did this definitely didn't know how to use Subflows cor...
[COVID] - SFXD Community Initiatives
Hey @everyone, what with the coronavirus situation, there's a lot of people working remotely tha...
Case Assignment Rules triggering
Sooooooooo - Case Assignment Rules (I'll abbreviate this to CAR) don't actually trigger automatic...
Alright so PersonAccounts.We've had issues with PersonAccounts at previous implementations. Some ...
3 - Data Migration Step-by-step - Loading
FIRST STEPS Login to Prod. Is there a weekly backup running, encoded as UTF-8, in Setup > Da...
2 - Data Migration Step-by-step - Before Loading
Introduction You're going to have to map data from various sources into Salesforce. IT'S THAT BI...
Sample scenario - store all field changes for an object
In this scenario, the customer wants, for whatever reason, to track changes of all the fields in ...
Validation rules writing conventions
All Validation Rules MUST contain a Bypass Rule check. Wherever possible, a Consultant SHOULD...
The Salesforce Lightning Object Creator (is broken to hell)
Lightning Object Creator is completely broken and currently just can't be used. https://object-c...
How to check if user is in Classic or LEX in a formula field!
=IF($User.UIThemeDisplayed = "Theme4d","LEX","Classic") (Thanks @Eloquinn)
Project Reviews
< Linked files on the top left of this articleA Project Review is a process in which you will ...
Order of Execution (by Alexd0t)
PDF version attached to this article (top left of the screen)
Browser Add Ons
Browser Add-Ons Salesforce Inspector
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Apex Best Practices
Dear SFXD Members that are @here, it is our greatest pride, our glory, hell the apotheosis of gl...
Downloadable Tools
Talend Open Studio Need to move data into/out of Salesforce? Gotta integrate with disparate syst...
Cool Links
Name Link David Liu's training course Alex Edelstein's Unoffici...
Communities Blackout, Nov 19