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115 total results found

Winter '21 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE WINTER 21 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDBy reading these release notes, you forfeit your place to Dreamforce this year in favour of an SFXD member. Oh wait… CRITICAL STUFF Guest User Nerfed to hell, literally unplayab...

Communities Project Cheat Sheet

Managing a Salesforce Project

COMMUNITIES IN SF CHEAT SHEET Shit to check- what do my users need access to ?- opps ? > Partner- reports ? > Probably Partner- which records do my users need access to ?- stuff they own or are explicitely linked to ?- or shit that'll need sharing rules ? > P...

Communities Deployment Hell

Managing a Salesforce Project

soCommunitiesthey are split into multiple things in the backenda Networka Siteand some other free floating shit like the guest user, profile access, etc.Network is what you think about when you read Communitiesit's where the comm builder etc livesthe Site is h...

Flow General Notes

Best Practices Flow Conventions

Generalities As of writing this page, August 10th 2023, Flows are primary source of automation on the Salesforce platform. We left this sentence because the earlier iteration (from 2021) identified that Flows would replace Process Builder and we like being ri...

Flow Meta Conventions

Best Practices Flow Conventions

Read these Resources first The official Flows best practice doc. Note we agree on most things. Specifically the need to plan out your Flow first. The Flows limits doc. If you don't know the platform limits, how can you build around them? The Trans...

What Automation do I create Flowchart

Best Practices Flow Conventions

Flow Structural Conventions - Common Core

Best Practices Flow Conventions

As detailed in the General Notes section, these conventions are heavily opinionated towards maintenance and scaling in large organizations. The conventions contain: a "common core" set of structural conventions that apply everywhere (this page!) conventions ...

Summer '21 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents: THE SUMMER 21 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGED :doge: to the moon 🚀 CRITICAL STUFF Multi Failure Authentication will be mandatory by Feb. 1, 2022. Yes, this can impact some API Users, and yes, criteria for MFA will probabl...

Spring '21 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE SPRING 21 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDAs Exciting as the new Samsung WF50R8500A release CRITICAL STUFF CRUD permissions fully removed from Guest User. Last release, they only set it to FALSE. Yes, it’s always been g...

The state of SFXD, Year 5

Other Meta SFXD Stuff

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | | SFXD and the Mod Team PRESENT ...

Best of April fools 2021

Great Moments in SFXD History

For april: fools, we changed the server to a MS dynamics server and made the bot slightly overzealous in its preaching of bill Gates. good times ensued.

SFXD Presents - Parsing the new Help site is horrible

Salesforce Quirks

(Like really)(Please don't break my parser)(Plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease)   INTRODUCTION One thing that I provide SFXD members (and myself, honestly), is a couple of bots.Those bots do various things, but one of my favourite...

Winter '22 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE WINTER 22 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDWhen you gaze into the Release Notes, the Release Notes gaze into you CRITICAL STUFF Mandatory MFA is still coming. Last release we highlighted that it wasn’t exactly the best t...

Spring '22 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE SPRING 22 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDWritten by people who think having a proper RSS feed on official release documentation shouldn’t be this hard. (@SFXD_BOT) CRITICAL STUFF Mandatory MFA is still coming and now h...

Summer '22 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE SUMMER 22 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDWe’re proud to announce our rebranding to Einstein SFXD CRM Release Notes Capture Abridginator 3000. CRITICAL STUFF User PII access checkbox change, is part of Enhanced Personal...

Speaking "Data Maintenance"An intro to Data-related presales

Managing a Salesforce Project

Glossary of Partners Mulesoft Salesforce-owned company. Salesforce will tell you about Mulesoft, and forget to tell you if they’re speaking about Anypoint, Composer, or anything else about Mulesoft. Make sure they are targeting the discussion in ways that s...

Winter '23 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE WINTER 23 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDThis post is proudly sponsored by no one at all. (@SFXD_BOT) CRITICAL STUFF If you ignored LWC syntax errors or Template Warnings you now gotta fix em otherwise you’ll get runti...

Spring '23 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE SPRING 23 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDNow with an extra 10% reduction in content CRITICAL STUFF blablabla MFA blip bloup. If you read these ARN and you’re STILL not ready honestly you should just be ashamed (or blis...

April Fools '23 - OpenAI-powered bad answers Chatbot

Other Meta SFXD Stuff

Introduction April Fools' pranks are an iconic part of the Internet, ranging from fake articles to site-breaking jokes. Two years ago we did a pretty huge prank where we rebranded the entire Server to Microsoft Dynamics and had the bot answer random stuff in...

Summer '23 Abridged

Salesforce Releases

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents:THE SUMMER 23 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGEDThis marks the 20th release of the ARN.What I’m saying is that next release should be good, because the ARN themselves will be able to drink independently. CRITICAL STUFF Mass Q...